How Ordinary Nigerians Are Earning ₦203,419 Every HOUR With Only A ₦95,000 Investment
Time to Read: 4 minutes

Posted By: Adamu Saidu, Financial News 12, NG
Who says all the Bitcoin success has to go to finance professionals?

For our quarterly finance report, we sat down with self-made Bitcoin entrepreneur and dad, Emmanuel Akpa, who has personally earned more than ₦6,611,984 last month with Bitcoin. He shared his exclusive trick to help ordinary Nigerians earn up to ₦217,223/hour from home!

Emmanuel Akpa got started with Bitcoin in mid 2017 after an unsuccessful job hunt left his family nearly broke. “I lost my construction job and looked for months for new work with no luck. My wife worked part-time, but my job loss hit us hard. I needed reliable income…fast. That’s when I really started researching Bitcoin” Emmanuel says.

Emmanuel says his biggest fear at first was entering a completely new, unknown industry. “At first I thought, ‘how am I going to make money using this? I’m just a dad who lost his job. I have no in-depth computer skills or a fancy degree in finance like some of those Bitcoin ‘hot shots’ you hear about on the news” Emmanuel shared.

“I thought, ‘I’m just a dad who lost his job. How am I going to make money with this?'”

Emmanuel Akpa

During his long hours of research, Emmanuel found an advertisement saying he could earn up to ₦3,888,892 in the next 24 hours with only a ₦95,000 investment using a system called Bitcoin Era. “It had some really great reviews from some of the top Bitcoin investors, so I felt safer signing up for the system” Emmanuel shared.

Bitcoin Era is an online system that teaches you how to use internet sites to make money online with Bitcoin. It uses revolutionary algorithms to actually determine and recommend whether or not the value of Bitcoin is going up or down. All you have to do is fill out a short form to get access to the system.

After just two weeks using the Bitcoin Era system, Emmanuel had made over ₦5,603,893.

“I was shocked! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to make money” Emmanuel said.

“I couldn’t believe how easy it was to make ₦5,603,893.”

Emmanuel Akpa

Emmanuel has been featured on local entrepreneur blogs and on internet cryptocurrency podcasts. When we found his success story, we had to feature it in our quarterly finance report. We asked him to give some exclusive advice to our readers:


The idea behind Bitcoin Era is straightforward: To allow the average person to cash in on the cryptocurrency boom which is still the most lucrative investment of the 21st century, despite what most people think.

Although Bitcoin price has dropped from it’s all time high of $60,000 per Bitcoin, traders are still making a killing. Why? Because there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin that being traded for huge profits on a daily basis.

Some of these cryptocurrencies include Ripple, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash and Ripple and they are still making returns of over 10,000% and higher for ordinary people in Nigeria.

Bitcoin Era lets you profit from all of these cryptocurrencies, even in a bear market. It uses artifical intelligence (AI) to automatically handle long and short selling for you so you can make money around the clock, even while you sleep.


Emmanuel Akpa goes on,

“We’re seeing hard economic times, and this is the solution people have been waiting for. Never in history have we had such an amazing opportunity that ordinary people can easily take advantage of to generate tremendous wealth in such a short time.

Some people are hesitant to try this because it’s so different. And that’s because the big banks are trying to cover this up! The big banks are actively creating propaganda and calling cryptocurrencies and platform like Bitcoin Era a scam. Why? They are worried their corporate profits will shrink once their customers know how to create massive wealth themselves.

The truth is, cryptocurrency is the revolution of our lifetime and anyone who does not jump on this opportunity is missing out. I’ve already received angry calls and threats from big financial corporations because I’m bringing this technology to people’s attention. But screw them. People in Nigeria are already starting to know the truth and it’s only a matter of time before more and more do.

I’m sharing this because I’ve also received hundreds of emails from people thanking me for sharing this secret. My favorite one is from a young man who bought his little brother his dream car – a Ferrari 488 Pista using the cash he made from Bitcoin Era. This platform is truly making the lives of everyone in the world a little better.”

Steven Baker used the profits he earned from Bitcoin Era to buy his little brother his dream car. What an inspiring way to use wealth for good!


Our senior editors wouldn’t let us publish the interview with Emmanuel Akpa until we verified that Bitcoin Era is a legitimate make-money-from-home opportunity. Our corporate leadership did not want us releasing any information that could potentially cause citizens of Nigeria to lose their hard-earned money.

So our editorial team tested Bitcoin Era to make sure it actually works like Emmanuel Akpa described. One of our online editors, Kungawo Khumalo, volunteered to risk his own money and test out Bitcoin Era.

Kungawo is a 53-year-old father of 2 children whose wife lost his job last year due to illness. He admitted he was struggling financially and this investment opportunity could be the answer.

Kungawo’s family was struggling to make ends meet and hoped that Bitcoin Era could relieve his the financial pressure, so he decided to test the system and report his results

Kungawo reports:

“At first, when I heard the interview with Emmanuel Akpa , I thought he was joking. Making money from home is only a dream. I decided to try it anyway given my financial circumstances- and for the sake of good journalism.

I watched an introductory video about the platform and then signed up. The video seemed to be over-promising but I put my skepticism aside. Within a few hours, I received a call from my personal investor. He answered all questions and doubts I had, and assured me I was going to make money. Period.

My personal investor even promised that if I lose even a single naira, he would promptly refund my ₦95,000 deposit. That’s how confident he was this was going to change my life. Now that’s customer service beyond anything I’ve seen and no wonder banks are scared.

Once I received access to the platform, I deposited my initial investment of ₦95,000. That’s about is what my family spends on junk food every month, so I decided to stop taking us to fast food for a month. Now we can be healthy, plus have the opportunity to get rich.

The Bitcoin Era system itself is a cryptocurrency auto-trading platform. The software uses advanced AI algorithms and machine learning to predict exactly when cryptocurrencies will go up and down. Then it will automatically buy and sell for you around the clock. Technology has already made our lives easier in every possible way, so why not use it to make more money as well?”


“Within 1 hour of depositing ₦95,000, the software started trading for me. To be honest, I was nervous it would lose all of my money. And sure enough, my first trade was a ₦7681 loss!

I felt my throat close up. I thought I had been scammed. I was even ready to call my personal investor and ask for my money back. But then I remembered what my he told me earlier on our call: The algorithm is right about 80-89% of the time. You’re not going to win EVERY trade, but you’ll win enough and be profitable overall.

So I let the software keep trading for me and watched it closely. The next trade was profitable! Only ₦3633, but it was still something. Then the next trade was ₦21040 profit. Then ₦8951 profit, making a total profit of ₦33624. And this was all under 5 minutes!

Soon I started scooping up naira like ice-cream and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Every time I refreshed the screen, my profits grew higher and higher. I felt like I was on drugs because this was such an exciting rush.

Everytime I refreshed my trading dashboard, my profits grew higher and higher. It was such an exciting rush!

Now I know why Emmanuel Akpa is in a good mood all the time. And why the big banks don’t want people anywhere near this wealth loophole. By the end of the day, I had made over ₦184113 in profit, not bad from a starting investment of ₦95,000! I was so excited I barely got any sleep.

The next day was Tuesday and I had to go back to work. To be honest (and don’t tell my boss this), it was hard to focus on my job knowing the Bitcoin Era software was making me money.

I snuck out to the bathroom a few times to check my profits, and they kept stacking up (with a small loss here and there). At the end of the day, before I put my kids to sleep, my account balance showed ₦557859. That’s more than I earn in 3 WEEKS at my regular job!

By the end of the week, I made a total of ₦2,496,021. I withdrew exactly $4,500 (₦1,860,068) and re-invested the rest. Within 2 days I received my first cheque in the mail- for exactly $4,500. I couldn’t believe this was real life!”

Kungawo received a cheque for $4,500 (₦1,860,068) for his first two weeks of using Bitcoin Era

Kungawo continues,

“Now, I am consistently making an additional ₦289,315 to ₦319,946 per day thanks to Bitcoin Era. Now, the money just gets deposited into my bank account every few days. Just a few clicks and I received my funds within 24-48 hours. Everytime the transfer hits my checking account, I have to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

Luckily, I LOVE my job here because I get to bring people important news stories (like this one) otherwise I would have quit by now. I did, however, plan a vacation for my family to Bali Indonesia to celebrate being out of debt and finally having my family’s finances back on track!

This wouldn’t be possible without Mr. Akpa’s generosity and sharing his secret. And I’m happy I took the risk to try Bitcoin Era myself. My wife is happier than ever and my kids’ toy cupboard is well stocked.

My co-workers are kicking themselves they didn’t sign up two weeks ago like I did. But soon, our entire office signed up (including my boss) and they are calling me a “hero” for trying this.


To get started, you only need your computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access. You don’t need any specific skills other than knowing how to use a computer and browsing the internet. You don’t need any technology or cryptocurrency experience because the software and your personal investor guarantees you make a profit.

Another perk of this program is you get to start when you want. You can make your own schedule- whether that’s 5 hours a week or 50 hours a week. Just start the auto-trading software when you wish, and you can pause whenever you want (I don’t know why you ever would though).

To save our reader’s time and double check the functionality, Kungawo kindly created a guide to getting started on the system.


The first thing you see is a video showing off the power of Bitcoin Era . The advertising is big and bold and in your face, but it is an American product and that’s how they do things. Anyway, you simply submit your name and email address next to the video to get started right away.

(Tip: Even if you don’t decide to invest any money, I recommend signing up now because registrations for Nigeria residents could end at any moment)

Next up, you’re asked to fund your account. As I was navigating the deposit page, my mobile rang. It was an international number so I was hesitant to answer but then I realised it was obviously from Bitcoin Era.

Sure enough, it was my own personal account manager. His service was great. He took me through the entire funding process. They accept all major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard and American Express. I went ahead and deposited the minimum amount which is $250 USD or ₦95,000.

Once funded, I navigated to the “Auto-Trader” section of software, set the trade amount to the recommended ₦1000 and enabled it. The software started making trades at a rapid rate and I was concerned at first but let it do its thing.

Bitcoin Era Frequently Asked Questions:

“Bitcoin may seem like an impossible challenge today. It’s easy to get into it, but impossible to rise up and be successful unless you know the insider tricks. If you are struggling like I was, I really recommend joining Bitcoin Era today.”

“Bitcoin may seem impossible to be successful unless you know the insider tricks like Bitcoin Era. If you are struggling like I was, I really recommend joining today.”

Emmanuel Akpa

Since publishing this article, the makers of Bitcoin Era have contacted Finance Reports and they’ve generously offered 7 invitations to their amazing system.

Click below to get started and watch the video to help you earn over ₦388,904 per day.

But, you better act quickly, this is a limited time offer!

Here’s how to get started:

 Step 1: Take our short 3-question quiz below to see if Bitcoin Era is a great fit for you.

 Step 2: If you qualify, you will be redirected to your unique link. Please watch the video at Bitcoin Era and create an account by entering your name, e-mail, and phone number. Shortly after registering, a Bitcoin Era representative will call you to help you get started. Please be sure your phone number is correct when registering and make sure to answer your phone! If you want to skyrocket your income, this may be the most important call you’ll ever receive.

 Step 3: Deposit the minimum ₦95,000 to get started with. This money is still yours, but the software needs funds in your account in order to trade between cryptocurrencies. Using your ₦95,000 investment, your first returns will be around ₦2,730,405 – ₦3,664,074 per week. It can go up from there if you choose to invest more than the minimum. You can also choose to re-invest your profits in order to begin making more.

This amazing offer is still available as of Wednesday, 9 November, 2022 so get started now below:

To see if you qualify, please answer these 3 questions:

Question 1/3:

Are you over 18 years old?


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Comments (Showing 1-20 of 47)
user comment

Posted by Blessing

₦24,530,866 in 1 month!…I haven’t stopped there! Going for ₦29,915,690 by next month!

user comment

Posted by Musa

Not sure how I feel about creating money out of thin air with these folks…

user comment

Posted by Aisha

I’d just like to add my story; I think others would like to hear it. I too was always leery about Bitcoin offers because I thought they were scams. But, I did my research and tried Bitcoin Era and I was earning money right away! Now I’ve made over ₦134,098,875. I have several of my friends asking me how they can invest everyday.

user comment

Posted by Fatima

Gonna get it tomorrow…

user comment

Posted by Mary

My friend introduced me to this software. At first i didn’t believe it, I thought it was scam but I gave it a try and by the end of the day I got a successful message and that over ₦372,450 was deposited to my account and all I had to do was confirm. I was like WOW!!! OMG it actually worked and it is still working. So right now I am here to give a shout for this software.

user comment

Posted by Ibrahim

I was kind of worried about the entire thing. I’ve never worked from home, But Yeah, I did just join and all is good. so I will post back how it goes!

user comment

Posted by Esther

I just wanted to tell everyone I got my first check today for ₦4,682,404.

user comment

Posted by Abubakar

Bitcoin is the biggest financial bubble in the world today. My best guess is that in the long run, the technology will thrive, but the price of Bitcoin will collapse.

user comment

Posted by Grace

Abubakar: Bubble or not…I’m still making bucket loads of cash lol…

user comment

Posted by Zainab

It’s nice to read your story Grace….glad you are making some money’ Gives me hope that it will work for me too! hopefully I could come out of my college debt…

user comment

Posted by Maryam

I just got the package. Thanks for the advice! I will keep in touch.. I could be making some extra money soon…:)

user comment

Posted by Sani

Just a quick notice… It does work but you have to be able to use a computer at least somewhat. If you can use email, etc. then you’ll be fine.

user comment

Posted by Abdullahi

I think this is great and will come in really handy right now. I’m not the best computer user but I think I can post links!!! 🙂

user comment

Posted by Mohammed

I will do anything to never have to work in a 4 x 4 cubicle ever again…if I could be my own boss that would be amazing…

user comment

Posted by Sunday

The timing of this couldn’t be better, We are struggling too and this could be our answer.

user comment

Posted by Umar

Thanks for the info, just started this 5 weeks ago. I’ve got 2 checks for a total of ₦7,606,363., pretty


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